What are meditation and its benefits and their asana?


Introduction Paragraph

In order to make the mind steady for practicing Dharma, Dhyana, and Samadhi this group of asanas consists of poses in which one can sit comfortably for a long time. Asanas falling in this group are Siddhasana, Padmasana, Vajrasana, Sukhasana, and Swastikasana. These asanas have different effects on our body and mind. They are capable of enhancing concentration and provide relief from various diseases like headache, anxiety, and joint pain. These asanas will help in keeping your body flexible and energized throughout the day because they enhance blood circulation throughout the body.

Best Yoga Postures to Sit Comfortably.

Do you want to sit comfortably? Then it is essential that you should be sitting in the right posture. Otherwise, sitting for long hours can give you backache, neck pain, and other kinds of problems. The best way to stay away from these health issues is by practicing yoga. Yoga has a series of poses that are known for their health benefits. One such benefit is a more comfortable sitting position, which will let you sit longer without feeling any aches or pains. Such postures include Swastikasana, Padmasana, Siddhasana, Vajrasana, Sukhasana & Aasanas like Bhujangasana & Matsyendrasana etc. These have tremendous benefits on your body and mind. So if you are looking forward to bettering your posture while sitting then practice these Yoga Postures To Sit Comfortably. I don’t know how to do them then just follow along with us now! :)


Siddhasana is often translated as Accomplished Pose or Perfect Pose. To do it, sit down with both legs out in front of you. Bend your right leg and place your foot on top of your left thigh. Bend your left leg and place it on top of your right thigh. Straighten out both legs, so that they are now at a 90-degree angle to each other and parallel to one another (see image above). If you like, lean forward slightly so that your arms can rest comfortably on your knees. Place one hand in front of the other if you feel more stable doing so; alternatively, interlace them behind one knee if that feels more comfortable for you.


Padmasana, known as the lotus pose, is a seated asana. Place your left foot on your right thigh and your right foot on your left thigh. Keep both of your feet flat on the floor while sitting in Padmasana position. Stabilize yourself by placing your palms on thighs or knees. Remain like that for a few minutes and then slowly return to a normal sitting position with your feet touching each other on the floor and hands by sides.


Also known as the thunderbolt pose, it is a yoga asana or meditative sitting posture that helps calm your mind and increases focus. This is a very simple meditation posture, in which you sit on your knees with legs folded to one side, torso upright and head tilted slightly downward with eyes closed. Keep hands together in chin or chest position and feel your body relax. It allows for an easier transition into deeper meditation positions such as Padmasana (lotus), Sukhasana (easy pose), or Swastikasana (auspicious).


Sukhasana, also known as the easy pose is ideal for beginners. It helps in making both body and mind relaxed while one sits on a seat or on the floor with legs folded. To get into sukhasana follow these steps: Bend your knees and fold them while sitting down. Hold your feet with your hands, if possible. Next, place palms on top of each other near the chest and keep them still and comfortable. Feel relaxation flow through you as your breathing gets slower to calm down your mind. Remain seated in Sukhasana for 10-20 minutes daily so that you can meditate easily and deeply with practice.


As with all asanas, Swastikasana has to be practiced on an empty stomach in a clean place. It is ideal to practice it before going to bed or directly after awakening in order to start your day fresh and energetic. To perform Swastikasana you will need a yoga mat (optional) and two pillows. Choose a place where you can lie down comfortably, stretch your legs out straight, keep both hands by your side and close your eyes so that you can relax and get into your inner self. Turn over one pillow so that its soft surface faces upward while keeping its edge below your neck. Then place it under your buttocks.

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